
This repository contains the research of Project II written by Alex Morales Garcia, student of Videogame's Degrees at CITM

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Cutscene Manager

I am Alex Morales Garcia, student of the Bachelor’s Degree in Video Games by UPC at CITM. This content is generated for the second year’s subject Project 2, under supervision of lecturer Ricard Pillosu.

What is a cutscene?

A cutscene is a scene in a videogame that may no be interactive, develops the storyline and is shown when a certain event occurs.

When do we use it?

1. Intro: The initial cutscene in games is the iniTial movie. It introduces the player to the universe, and shows which events lead to the actual situation of the world. There are four different ways to break down the information:

C&C: Gold Intro

Myth Intro

Mech Warrior 2 Intro

Kingdom Hearts Intro

2. In-between: The purpose of this can be a reward or a way to advance the plot. The custscene as a reward gives the player times to rest from the previous level and prepare for the next one. Advancing the plot gives a clue of what is going to happen next. Usually this elements are combined. Examples: The Last of Us, Uncharted, Kingdom Hearts, Professor Layton, etc.

Profesor Layton and the Lost Future Cutscenes

3. Final: The final cutscene has to be the best of the game. The player has to feel that all the effort was worth it and that she/he has recieved the final reward. Adding a couple of alternate endings will make the game replayable. Example: Bioshock

In Bioshock, the player has different endings depending on the path chosen. There are two different endings, one good (where you save all the Little Sisters) and one bad (where you decide to harvest a couple or more Little Sisters).

Bioshock Ending Cinematic

Cutscene Types


The pre-rendered cutscene are animated and rendered beforehand.

Kingdom Hearts III Intro

In Game Engine

A real time cutscene means that the system is using the games graphics engine to render it.

In the next two images there is a link to a in-engine cutscenes:


Interactive cutscenes involves the player taking control of the player in certain moments. The player usually has to pressed a button or a sequence of buttons, when they appear on the screen, in order to succed or continue the action.

Spiderman 3 Interactive Cutscene


Live-action cutscenes involves real actors on a set or in front of a chroma screen. Some game examples are Command and Conquer, Resident Evil 2, Night Trap…

Mixed media

The game uses both pre-rendered and real time cutscenes depending on what the developers feel it’s appropiate. For example, Final Fantasy VII.

It can also referred to the union of two cinematic types at the same time. For example, during the 90s manay games use live-action cinematics for the actors which were superimposed upon pre-rendered backgrounds. Example: Killing Time.

Cutscene in Engines

I focus mainly in two Engines, Unreal and Unity. In both, you have a time bar, where you can add elements and change it’s characateristics and attributes through time. There are key-frames, which are points where you can change the properties of the object. The engine will make an interpolation with the two positions and will generate a smooth transition. The properties that can be changed are rotation, scale, position, state, etc.

For example, we have a camera which position is {0,0,0} in the first frame. We can go to the frame 300, and change its position to {0,0,40}. The engine will make an interpolation, and the position of the camera will change gradually from the satrt point to the end one.

My Cutscene Manager

My solution is an In Engine (Real-Time) cutscene system using C++ and SDL, It needs acces to a XML file and the engine requires their own Entity, GUI and map system. This solution can be implemented in other similar engines.

### Cutscenes The cutscene is composed by two main cores: elements and actions. The Cutscene Manager will have to save them, and will execute it in order. They are stored in a XML similar at this:

	    <!-- Here will go all the elements used in the cutscene-->
		<!-- Here will go all the actions that will execute in the cutscene-->

There are four types of elements:

The structure of the XML is the following:

	    <element type="map" <!-- Here goes all the map information --> />
	    <element type="entity" <!-- Here goes all the entity information --> />
	    <element type="image" <!-- Here goes all the image information --> />
	    <element type="text" <!-- Here goes all the text information --> />
		<!-- Here will go all the actions that will execute in the cutscene-->

All the elements have something in common:

Creating a map

The map module allow us to load and draw one map in the screen. It needs:

Map XML example:

	    <element type="map" name ="city" path="city.tmx"/>
		<!-- Here will go all the actions that will execute in the cutscene-->

Creating an entity

Entities are elements that can perform pre-programed actions inside the engine. entity system allows them to move. The attributes that needs to be passed are:

Entity XML example:

	    <element type="entity" name="gold" pos_x="10" pos_y="340"/>
		<!-- Here will go all the actions that will execute in the cutscene-->

Creating an image

The images are static elements drawn at the screen, which follows the camera movement. You can use it as text boxes. The attributes used are:

Image XML example:

		 <element type="image" name ="dialog_image" pos_x="85" pos_y="265" rect_x="0" rect_y="0" rect_w="370" rect_h="103" active="false"/>
		<!-- Here will go all the actions that will execute in the cutscene-->

Creating a text

The text follows the camera movement.

Text need these attributes:

Text XML example:

		<element type="text" name ="dialog" pos_x="100" pos_y="290" txt="Gold: Late, as always." active="false" size="27"/>
			<!-- Here will go all the actions that will execute in the cutscene-->

The actions are changes in the elements properties during the cutscene. It includes camera and entity movement, and modifying properties from the text or image. This manager has four different actions:

All actions have common attributes:

The structure of the xml is:

	     <!-- Here will go all the elements used in the cutscene-->
		<cutscene action="move_camera">
			<!-- Here will go the Move Camera attributes -->
		<cutscene action="move_entity" entity="">
			<!-- Here will go the Move Entity attributes -->
		<cutscene action="modify_image" name="">
			<!-- Here will go the Modify Image attributes -->
		<cutscene action="modify_text" name="">
			<!-- Here will go the Modify Text attributes -->

Creating a MoveCamera

MoveCamera changes the camera position at certain speed. The attributes needed are:

Example of the move camera xml:

	     <!-- Here will go all the elements used in the cutscene-->
		<cutscene action="move_camera">
			<time start="4000" duration="2000" speed_x="130" speed_y="0"/>

Creating a MoveEntity

MoveEntity changes the entity position. We need:

Example of the MoveEntity in xml:

	     <!-- Here will go all the elements used in the cutscene-->
		<cutscene action="move_entity" entity="gold">
			<time start="4000" duration="2000" speed_x="0" speed_y="200"/>

Creating a ModifyImage

ModifyImage has two different functions:

The attributes required are:

Example of the xml:

	     <!-- Here will go all the elements used in the cutscene-->
		<cutscene action="modify_image" name="dialog_image">
	      <time start ="7500" duration="100" type="activate"/>

Creating a ModifyText

ModifyText has three different functions:

The attributes required are:

Example of the xml:

	     <!-- Here will go all the elements used in the cutscene-->
		<cutscene action="modify_text" name="dialog">
	      <time start ="15600" duration="100" type="change" text="Gold: Finally, I thought you won't come."/>


You can download the exercises here.


Add 3 CutsceneEntity:

  1. Gold: His name is gold, and it has to be situated in x=10 and y=340.
  2. Silver: Her name is silver, and it has to be situated in x=670 and y=338.
  3. Ruby: His name is rival, and it has to be situated in x=670 and y=365.


<element type="" name="" pos_x="" pos_y=""/>


Add a CutsceneImage, which will be used as a dialog. The name has to be dialog image. The position is {85,265} and the rect {0,0,370,103}. It has to be deactivated when starts.

<element type="" name ="" pos_x="" pos_y="" rect_x="" rect_y="" rect_w="" rect_h="" active=""/>


Create a MoveEntity action. You have to pass the name of the entity which will be affected by it. The other parameters are the action type, start time = 0, duration = 4000, speed_x = 88, and speed y = 0.

<cutscene action="" entity="">
  <time start="" duration="" speed_x="" speed_y=""/>


Create a new CutsceneEntity which will be load from the xml. Check the CutsceneEntity constructor for more information:


Create a new CutsceneImage which will be load from the xml. Check the CutsceneImage constructor for more information:


Create a new CutsceneMoveEntity that will be load from the xml. Check the CutsceneMoveEntity constructor for more information: CutsceneMoveEntity Constructor


Find the corresponding entity depending on the entity_name that has been passed. All the elements are in a map, which first value is a string and a second one is a CutsceneElement. There is a function in maps which is find(). You have to find it by the name and acces to the second element.


Uncomment the code and check functionallity. The result has to be something like this:

Video of the final Cutscene